The Healed Mind

New Workshop With Matthias Demystifies The Path to Healing So You Can Experience True Change In Your Life

Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of distressing emotional, psychological, or physical symptoms—and yearning for real, lasting change?

If so, this workshop gives you the practical tools you need.

Here's The Story...

About a year ago, I created a workshop called A Free Mind. 

It was about the restraints trauma can place on both our psychology AND physiology—and how this inhibits our ability to heal.

Since that time, I've held many more workshops and received feedback from countless clients.

I’ve also attended a variety of different trainings and sought mentorship from world-leading experts in the field of trauma healing.

What I’ve found is, while there are many helpful resources, the process of healing can still seem confusing and ambiguous. 

What does it truly mean to be healed at a core level? 

To not only act better, but FEEL different—and see changes in your life circumstances?

So I created a new workshop that goes way beyond A Free Mind… with a compelling, clear vision of what it feels like—in practical terms—to be truly healed. 

It’s about seeing real-life change—feeling different, acting different, and noticing tangible shifts in your life outcomes.


The Healed Mind:
Transforming Trauma Into True Change

In The Healed Mind, we’ll explore what it means to be ‘finally, fully healed’. 

This workshop is designed to not only help you understand your trauma but also to equip you with the practical skills and strategies needed for lasting transformation.

Through a combination of insightful teachings, personal reflections, step-by-step protocols, and interactive sessions, we dive deep into how to break free from patterns holding you back. 

You’ll get tools and strategies to break through whatever is limiting your happiness and fulfillment. 

We’ll talk about how to understand your reactions better and know how to respond to self-criticism and unexplained emotions.

Who This Workshop Is For

  • People like Kimberly, who said A Free Mind was, “Very insightful and valuable. I gained more insight and value from this course than from my few sessions with my actual therapist. 1000% recommend.”
 Maybe you relate– you’ve done some therapy but weren’t quite happy with the results. You’re looking for practical tools and strategies that go beyond just talking about the past, to see real progress and transformation in your life.

  • Or like Kelli, who struggled with finding real solutions, “I live in a small community with limited resources on mental health. The ability to get the information online and have the added material to work through has been a godsend!”

Have you also been stuck because of geographical, financial, or some other limitation? You need something that fits into your life and actually makes a difference.

  • Or like Ellen, “The information in this workshop is life-changing. I have never had it explained to me in this manner. It is insightful and easy to follow. I am forever grateful I put myself first and am so excited to see where my future takes me.”

Maybe on the surface, you’ve got it all together. A good career, maybe even a great family, but inside, you’re struggling. Parenting feels like an uphill battle, your relationship lacks passion, and you feel a bit numb to life, without really knowing why.

No matter what your current situation is…

This workshop is designed to meet you where you are and guide you toward true healing.

The Healed Mind Offers Step-By-Step Guidance With…

Module 1: What is Trauma? Gain a clear picture of how trauma impacts you and begin to dismantle its hold on your life. So instead of struggling to understand why you feel the way you do… …you get to the root of your symptoms, leading to profound and lasting changes.

Module 2: How Do I Heal from Trauma?  This module gives you the actionable steps to guide you through your healing journey. We’ll cover 3 groundbreaking healing protocols that are safe and self-guided:

  • A cutting-edge technique to reprocess traumatic memories without feeling overwhelmed or triggered (This technique is grounded in neuroscience, and I'll walk you through it step-by-step)

  • A reflective journaling exercise to understand how the scripts you gave yourself as a result of trauma are shaping your identity and relationships (So you can begin to see yourself and the world in a more positive light)

  • Little-known ways to use “somatic” exercises tailored to the four types of childhood trauma (Different kinds of trauma are held in the body in different ways. These exercises help to release the prevailing trauma pattern, opening new pathways to healing)

So instead of feeling lost or uncertain…you become empowered to take confident steps forward.

Module 3: The 4 Traumatic Childhoods Here we’ll cover in depth the 4 traumatic childhoods that result in dysfunctional cycles and mental unhealth. Understanding these styles can help you identify the work you need to do, unlock autonomy, and break free from what’s been holding you back.

You’ll also discover tools to help you end unhealthy relationship cycles. 


You’ll have lifetime access to the recordings so you can review them anytime.

Stop feeling stuck in the same painful patterns and start moving towards a healthier, more fulfilling life!

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll receive inside…

Here’s A Sample Of Topics Covered Inside ‘The Healed Mind’ Trauma Workshop:

  • How to identify (and update) coping strategies that don’t serve you (See these for what they are, you can begin to untangle yourself from them)

  • The 3 Healing Protocols designed to release decades of traumatic stress (These methods are safe, grounded in the neuroscience, and approach healing from multiple supporting angles)

  • The surprising reason perfectly analytical and “logical” healing methods often fail (Understand the neuroscience behind trauma and the new approaches giving many people hope)

  • The 3 key components of trauma and how this understanding unlocks new healing


  • Subtle mindset shifts that can open the door to bigger breakthroughs (Bring these to a mentor or therapist to introduce new opportunities for healing)

  • The deep-lying effects of trauma on the body (And a suggested list of practices to help soothe these physiological triggers)

  • The steps for breaking free from destructive patterns and start living your life again

  • Control or avoid: detrimental coping mechanisms you need to know about (And how to prevent getting caught up in them without noticing)

  • How to dialogue with the part of you that holds your trauma (And acknowledge any part of you that needs reassurance…so it relaxes its hold on you)

  • Key questions designed to quickly get to the root of any troubling patterns (And rewrite the protective mechanisms that hold you back)

  • Simple habits to strengthen the parts of the brain that help you feel whole 

  • Why even “minor” traumas matter, and how validating them could change your life (Discover a new confidence to go after what you want)

  • The single, critical key to reclaiming your life from trauma (It’s not about trying harder; discover what actually works to take control of your healing journey)

  • And much. much more…

That's just a taste of what's in The Healed Mind workshop.

There are 3 modules in all plus three hours of Q&A!

Each one is designed to help you better understand trauma, equip you with practical strategies for healing, and improve your relationships and overall well-being.

Anyway, Here's The Event-Only Deal

The Healed Mind is set to retail at $499—a worthwhile investment in your healing journey, even at that price.

These insights are drawn from my experience and the latest in trauma research, and you won’t find this unique combination anywhere else.

Plus, when you join today, you’ll also get 2 free bonuses…


The Healed Mind Note-Taking Guide ($35 Value)

This note-taking guide is designed to be a personal inventory you can bring into counseling to get the most out of therapy.

Depending on where you are in your journey, it can also be used as a tool to gain further clarity and insight into your healing process.

It contains simple note-taking tools meant to help you follow along, as well as prompts for reflection to help you better understand the protective strategies keeping you from living life on your terms.

A $35 value, you can download the digital and printable note-taking guide with your order today.


Private Q&A Session with Matthias on June 17th ($147 Value)

Even though this workshop covers a lot, challenges can still come up. That's why I'm offering an exclusive Q&A session a few weeks after the workshop concludes.

In this intimate setting, you can ask your most pressing questions and gain insights tailored to your personal healing journey.

Don’t miss this chance to connect with me directly and get actionable takeaways that can help you move forward right away!

That’s a total of $681 in value that you’re getting for just $499!

Bottom line, if you’re tired of… 

  • Struggling to understand your symptoms and heal… 
  • Feeling stuck and not knowing what steps to take next… 
  • Wishing for simpler, more practical tools and clear guidance… 

I created this workshop for you, to help you move forward in a meaningful way.

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Still not sure if it’s for you?
Here are the most frequently asked questions...

Why do I need a workshop like this?

Healing from trauma can feel overwhelming and confusing. This workshop provides practical tools and clear guidance to help you navigate your healing journey effectively, leading to real, positive changes in your life.

If you are…

- Feeling stuck despite previous therapy efforts

- Needing accessible and impactful help that fits into your life

- Experiencing emotional pain without understanding why

- Struggling with parenting and family dynamics

- Feeling numb or disconnected despite external success

This workshop could light a path out of distress.

What makes this workshop unique?

The Healed Mind combines personal insights with the latest trauma research. It offers a holistic approach with practical steps, live sessions, and interactive elements to support you throughout your healing process.

What if I'm already in counseling, is this good for me?

Yes, this workshop complements your counseling! It can deepen your understanding and enhance the benefits you get from your therapy sessions by giving you the practical tools needed to approach the process with more confidence.

Do I need to share anything personal on the live calls?

No, sharing personal information is not required. You can participate in a way that feels comfortable and safe for you while still gaining valuable insights and support.

How is this different from the A Free Mind workshop?

The Healed Mind builds on A Free Mind with updated content and deeper insights. It focuses more on practical strategies and includes live, interactive support to guide you through your healing journey.

Meet Matthias Barker

Matthias is a psychotherapist and the CEO and co-founder of the Trauma Institute with Dr. Frank Anderson providing clinical training for psychotherapists and education for the general public on healing from trauma.

Matthias is widely recognized for his unique approach to making mental health knowledge and skills accessible to the wider public. His ability to translate complex topics into relatable everyday language has empowered millions to heal from their past, repair relationships, and take control of their mental well-being. Through platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and his top-ranking Spotify podcast, Matthias delivers psychoeducational content to a following of over 3 million people. His innovative blend of engaging content and relevant mental health advice has fostered a vibrant online community centered on healing, personal growth, and moving towards what’s meaningful despite hardship.

Aside from his online presence, Matthias is an accomplished author and educator. He has self-published several short books and interactive mental health journals, offering a distinctive trauma-informed approach to topics like grief, motivation, burnout, and gratitude. In addition, he has built a diverse library of interactive general public workshops on themes such as anxiety, relational intimacy, and healing from trauma, further establishing his commitment to sharing knowledge and resources for both clinicians and the general public.

© 2024 | Matthias Barker | All Rights Reserved.

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